Russischer Pionier versucht zu verhindern, dass ein Wüstenkreuzer auf einen verminten Straßenabschnitt stößt. Der Pionier wird ignoriert und überfahren. Das Video wird unterbrochen, als es zu einer Explosion kommt.

Von Smart-Bonus-6589


  1. TheRealGabossa on

    If I were to read a scene like this in a book I would dismiss it immediately as no one is this cruel and stupid. And yet.

  2. Clyde-A-Scope on

    There has to be a point where my man realizes they’re not slowing down and he should move tf out the way…right?

  3. PriorityOk1593 on

    I know that people died but at the same time the cut off scream mixed with the slight orange glow of a he’s detonated land mine is so funny

  4. HumaDracobane on

    “Let me put myself in front of this 1.5T vehicle moving and, apparently not slowing down, to warm them about mines.

    Nothing will happen…”

  5. Honest-Plantain-7730 on

    Did I really just actually see this?
    Also who was filming this and why was he filming?

  6. Efficient-Let3661 on

    There’s this really good MilSim game I play called Squad.

    Literally this scenario has happened to me so many times. Scream like crazy and get in front of their vehicle just for them to run you over and get blown up by friendly mines. Guess the game is more realistic than I thought.

  7. zomgbratto on

    What kind of morons do they have in their army?

    1) If your guy is flagging you down, shouldn’t you find out wtf is going on?

    2) If that guy ain’t stopping, shouldn’t you move out of the way?

    3) Why TF would you hit a guy who is on your side?

  8. Hinken1815 on

    Anyone notice the guy in the left seat had a moment of hesitation before the explosion and stuck his leg out like he was gonna bail? Should’ve done it friend….

  9. Mesarthim1349 on

    I know this may be a stretch, but this kinda looks like the effects of extreme sleep deprivation.

  10. Ok-Breakfast5551 on

    Chance of breaking malfunctioning? That sound its really strange.

  11. I wonder if videoes like this are shown to the higher ups in the Russian Armed Forces, or if they are intentionally hidden.

    Every week there is a new clown fiesta

  12. SpecialIcy5356 on

    I guess the driver follows the Jeremy Clarkson philosophy of “speed and power” and figured he’d run over the mine and escape the blast..

    Him running his comrade over is just icing on the cake.

  13. – Get away, you fucking moron!

    *hits the guy*
    – I told him to fucking get away!

  14. Comfortable_Pea_1693 on

    r/perfectlycutscreams but id prefer to actually see the damage inflicted by the mine. altough those buggies dont seem particularily mineproof so tough luck if you were inside it when it hit the mine.

  15. BrickEnvironmental37 on

    Maybe it was Russians retreating. Thought he was an enforcer, trying to make them go back and ran him over?

  16. combatobserver88 on

    I normally never see a video on this sub and think “well, serves you right” but in the case of that driver, at this point the mine blowing him up is 100% his own fault. What the fuck was he thinking?? Instant karma candidate

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