Awesome bit of ordinance and the drone lives for another day
Dependent-Drop-5299 on
acityonthemoon on
videos that end too….
Svinpeis on
Ah I was hoping for a turret toss. I remain hopeful to see drone delivered thermite charge turret toss one day.
CapnMurica1988 on
Keep burning the orcs till they give up and go back to their holes from whence they came
AmbitiousSpeech24 on
Just insane!!!
Subject-Lake4105 on
Self cooking meat in a can…. Ukrainian innovation continues!
Helpful_Judge2580 on
Must’ve sucked I. There
Etherindependance5 on
It went from tank to grill fresh russy bbq
Blue00si on
Anyone hungry for roasted orc?
Little_Cameleon on
Any_Warthog1455 on
But, but, but… somebody told me this wouldn’t work
Rushrunner367 on
RevolutionaryMany648 on
That is not a tank, its a death-trap !
JohaVer on
Basically xenomorph blood
wildufiru on
“Big fucking hole coming right up!”
ReddiTwinkletoes on
Ah, what the hell’s so “NSFW” about that video??
Hot_Horse5056 on
I love thermite
Rei1099 on
Damn. Any Arcane fans here??
Cheddie310 on
Reminds me of that part in Breaking Bad where Walt is explaining the power of Thermite to Jesse. 1GI with a pound of Thermite will melt through that barrel
Burn baby burn. Slava Ukraini
Awesome bit of ordinance and the drone lives for another day
videos that end too….
Ah I was hoping for a turret toss. I remain hopeful to see drone delivered thermite charge turret toss one day.
Keep burning the orcs till they give up and go back to their holes from whence they came
Just insane!!!
Self cooking meat in a can…. Ukrainian innovation continues!
Must’ve sucked I. There
It went from tank to grill fresh russy bbq
Anyone hungry for roasted orc?
But, but, but… somebody told me this wouldn’t work
That is not a tank, its a death-trap !
Basically xenomorph blood
“Big fucking hole coming right up!”
Ah, what the hell’s so “NSFW” about that video??
I love thermite
Damn. Any Arcane fans here??
Reminds me of that part in Breaking Bad where Walt is explaining the power of Thermite to Jesse. 1GI with a pound of Thermite will melt through that barrel