Weiß jemand, worum es bei diesen Aufklebern mit der Aufschrift „Der Messias ist hier“ geht?


Von CrazedJeff


  1. > Menachem Mendel Schneerson (April 5, 1902 OS – June 12, 1994; AM 11 Nissan 5662 – 3 Tammuz 5754), known to adherents of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement as the Lubavitcher Rebbe or simply the Rebbe, was a Russian-American Orthodox rabbi and the most recent Rebbe of the Lubavitch Hasidic dynasty. He is considered one of the most influential Jewish leaders of the 20th century.


  2. SapphicSticker on

    It’s a thing for a tiny sect of ultra-orthodox, unhinged jews who distort judaism into something it was never meant to be.

    Source: I’m Jewish-Israeli (with Cypriot family), they’re infamous here (and specifically that picture of their guy). They’re so annoying. Sorry that our hazardous waste leaked to Cyprus.

  3. Callsign_Arson on

    Anyone tell me what Acab means though? I’ve seen it spray painted and stickers everywhere in Cyprus

  4. ButWhatIfPotato on

    It looks like an ad for a jewish martial art dojo, KOSHER KARATE CHOP!

  5. LastdemonZ on

    As a Israeli
    I am familiar with this
    Cant believe these haridis came all the way to you
    Those are crazy religious duckers

  6. tomtastico on

    On first look I thought it was a huge sticker on top of a building ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)

  7. Awareness2051 on

    A small group of messianic jews who believe the messiah already came (the Robbie in the photo), sometimes they’re nice and do a lot of charity, sometimes they shove their beliefs down your throat

  8. MasonicJew on

    They belong to Chabad.. But a very small sect within Chabad that believed their last Rebbe was the Mosiach. They’re religious nut cases.

  9. I hate that Cyprus is such a safe space for religious dumbasses, I wish it was more socially acceptable to mock them.

  10. never_nick on

    Zealots are not welcome here, we have our own thank you very much.

  11. The sect is called Breslov Hasidism and their spiritual leader is Nachman of Breslov whose depicted in the photo. Their core philosophy is focused on the importance of happiness, maintaining a joyful outlook, steering away from sadness, spreading joy, and positive energy. Which is also why you’ll find them driving around in small vans playing dance music, and stopping to dance with people in the street.
    The meaning of their saying “Messiah is here” is that spiritual redemption is available to all now.

  12. Status-Chemistry6849 on

    It’s meshichist sector of Chabad. They are absolutely harmless. I wish they’ll open a Russian-speaking community and restaurant with cholent in Limassol and Paphos one day.

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