Kritische Mineralien und Kanadas arktischer Handelskorridor – Es wird weitere Naturkatastrophen, Waldbrände, Arbeitskonflikte und dergleichen geben. Für ein Land von der Größe Kanadas macht es einfach Sinn, im Hafen von Churchill eine weitere Hafenoption zu haben.


  1. flatulentbaboon on

    It does, which is why we won’t make it a credible alternative option

  2. we’d need some serious investment in Manitoba’s railway system. Right now it takes over a day by rail from Winnipeg to Churchill and portions can only be traversed at incredibly slow speeds.

    The terrain ain’t easy either as it’s pretty much all bog. Not saying it’s impossible, but there would need to be a large commitment and many billions of funding.

  3. While we’re at it we should be dredging our ports and upgrading them and the transportation systems connected to them to support the newest generation of mega sized Cargo Ships.

    If America Refuses to do it, we should do it and steal all the cargo traffic for ourselves.

  4. How many months of the year is the Churchill Port accessible? Why spend all the money for something you can only use a few months of the year.

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