„Ein anderer Bruder geht nach Hause“ Russische Eindringlinge sammeln Teile ihres verfallenen Kameraden ein



    1. Least orcs are good for something, feeding the animals, bugs, flowers, and grass.

    2. At first, I thought some animals got to the body (most likely they did) and took a leg into the trench. But seeing them pick up the torso with 1 hand told me he’s been there so long he’s just skin and bones. Then the fact (unless they moved him there) his head is where is ass used to be suggests a violent end. Most likely artillery

    3. They forgot the dudes head, teeth is sticking out on that piece left on the ground.

    4. He’ll be one of the few to get picked up. Likely never to go back home.

    5. shockingwork on

      Needed some extra meat to feed the extra North Koreans, good job they don’t mind fermented

    6. MaximumPerrolinqui on

      As that commercial said a long time ago around the meat for chicken nuggets making fun of McDonald’s: “parts are parts”.

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