In meiner Lokalzeitung (Bayern, Oberfanken) fallen mir immer wieder solche Beiträge auf. Sie bitten darum, zu ihrem Geburtstag und auch danach keine Wünsche oder Geschenke zu erhalten. Ich verstehe nicht wirklich warum.

Mir kommt es so vor, als wollten sie der Welt zeigen, wie wichtig sie sind, aber ich möchte nicht urteilen, ohne die Hintergründe zu verstehen.

Meine Fragen sind also:

Warum veröffentlichen Leute solche Beiträge? Kommt das auch in anderen Teilen Deutschlands vor?

Von snahaba


  1. Actual-Garbage2562 on

    If I had to guess I’d say it’s just (very) old people that have no other means of communicating this to all of their acquiantances without individually calling them or writing letters. But your guess is as good as mine.

  2. RunZombieBabe on

    In some areas your neighbours/friends/ Vereinsmitglieder LOOOOOOVE to surprise you whith decorating your house, getting a choir to wake you or doing crazy stuff.
    If your old enough even the mayor or the church comes over…or the local firefighters or hunters if you are a part of it.

    If you tell them they don’t need to do it, they’ll say “Nooooo, we’re not planning ANYTHING!”😉

    Same when you tell them you are really gone due to a vacation..they think you are trying to fool them.

    So to make clear you are not joking and you really mean it and they would be disappointed you tell them that.

    They would also expect you to make a party or have something to eat/drink for them.

    I know a guy turning 18 and they almost got the tractor fired up to roll to his house until they realised he really wasn’t there😄

  3. glamourcrow on

    I live in Northern Germany.

    People simply show up and expect you to host them with a full meal, followed by coffee and cake, followed by a light supper, followed by more sweets and drinks.

    It’s expensive and exhausting.

    My MIL never invites anyone, but they just show up. Like locusts or crows descending on roadkill. She doesn’t even like 50% of the people who show up. They don’t necessarily like her. Still, every year the same ordeal.

    I once just got up and went to bed because “guests” didn’t leave. Now, we are never at home on our birthdays or anniversaries unless we want to celebrate.

    No, it’s not about feeling important. It’s simple self-defence.

    ETA: Some people love it, though. They are sad if no one shows up. I’m an introvert and I cannot stand people invading my space.

  4. WowbaggersTongue on

    I‘m too young to have friends reading a physical newspaper. But this seems like a really good idea to me.

    My current solution is to leave the country and make visits impossible.

  5. CyberMuffin1611 on

    I would never put it in a newspaper, but I get the sentiment of wanting to be left alone on that day.

    There is almost no day in the year that makes me feel worse than my birthday. Some relatives don’t get that and I’m forced to be polite in answering their calls or messages.

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