„Was für eine unmenschliche Macht hat das blühende Land in Schutt und Asche gelegt“ – der österreichische Ingenieur Alexander Wienerberger besuchte in den 1930er Jahren eine Fabrik in Charkiw. Mit seiner neuen Leica II-Kamera machte er einige versteckte Fotos. Es ist eines der deutlichsten Zeugnisse des Holodomors von 1933 (Anmerkungen des Autors in den Bildunterschriften).
Von BananaBrumik
On the last two pictures stay: Hungerleiche auf der Straße“ and „Massengräber für Verhungerte“
Inhuman is insightful here. One must be a monster to do such things.
The world would be so much better without ruskis.
The most important rhing is that it happened in peace time, away from the spotlights, without ant conflit as a excuse, and the western journalists that helped to hide it were aqarded with a pullitzer prize, showing the long and old arm of russian manipulation of the global media
Refreshing to see a fellow Austrian who could tell the difference between right and wrong, good and bad. Nowadays I feel embarrassed for all those Russia simps in our political parties, in our economy and most of all in the general public. Or maybe they still know the difference but you know: cheap gas > doing the right thing
Let’s bring the same to russia this time.
I’ve never seen these photos before. Thank you 😢
Russia has tried to exterminate Ukraine 3 or 4 times in the past 100 years and are still at it.
4th caption: ***”When the enemy does not surrender, he will be annihilated.”***
These cycles of violence stem from efforts to control Ukraine’s land, people, and identity. Yet, Ukrainians have shown remarkable resilience, striving to preserve their culture and assert their sovereignty despite repeated attempts to erase it. In fact its not lessened Ukraine’s culture and society, its showcased it. I know more about Ukrainians now, their history and their resilience, bravery and kindness than I ever did before. In fact I just saw Ukrainians as Russians. And Ukrainians changed that world view.
Slava Ukraine.