Russland plante lange vor der Invasion einen Völkermord: Tötungslisten, Krematorien, Massengräber – HUR


  1. Plasmanico726 on

    Very disturbing ! Thank god for all the drones and technology! I can’t stand Russia ! Their policies are disgusting! I feel like we are in a twilight zone.. the truth shall prevail!!

  2. Vegetable-Bobcat-992 on

    Every country has a version of this and thinks it’s just the best-kept secret, ever.

  3. Sons_of_Maccabees on

    Only if our fellow “progressives” would set up encampments for Ukrainians on college campuses…

  4. Certain_Shake_8852 on

    This guy performs the role of spy master very well. Always seems like he knows more than he is letting on.

  5. Max20151981 on

    Says the guy who’s suppose to be drinking wine on the beaches of Crimea

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