Die niedrigsten und höchsten Temperaturen, die jemals in Südamerika gemessen wurden

Von quindiassomigli


  1. abu_doubleu on

    It’s important to note that for the coldest countries on the left, it has a lot to do with weather stations availability on mountain peaks. Chimborazo (in Ecuador) regularly gets under -10 for example. It snows there for half the year.

  2. ConsiderationHour710 on

    Basically useless graph. Ecuador’s mountains at the top are routinely below -1

  3. TastyBroccolis on

    Highest temperatures ever recorded in South America… so far.

  4. Some-Air1274 on

    Really -1c? Do they not have a lot of mountains in the west of South America?

    Crazy that Brazil also has only reached -11c with its size.

  5. LowCranberry180 on

    How is it possible that Turkiye the country have a higher (49.2) and lower (-43.8) temperature than all of South America?

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