Die Linie I.22 markierte das maximale Gebiet, das Rumänien nach jedem Vorschlag der rumänischen Seite hätte abtreten dürfen, und zwar in Höhe von etwa 22.000 Quadratkilometern. Es wurde im Sommer 1940 vorgeschlagen, unmittelbar nachdem die Sowjets Bessarabien eingenommen hatten und Ungarn begann, Forderungen zu stellen.

Von FewCap1614


  1. Lumpy-Middle-7311 on

    But Hungary wasn’t fully inhabited by Hungarians, I guess. It shouldn’t be fully green

  2. MadMaxIsMadAsMax on

    Still I don’t get why Hungarians doesn’t have some level of autonomy inside Romania. Check Finland and the Åland Islands.

  3. romeo_pentium on

    “Nearly only counts in horseshoes and handgrenades.” – Proverb

  4. KingKohishi on

    Historically Romanian speaking people were Nomadic Shepherds living in the Carpathian Mountains, while Magyars were Nomadic Horse Pastoralist living in the Pannonian Plateau.

  5. sparafuxile on

    Romania had just surrended Bessarabia to the soviets a couple of months before, and it was much larger.

  6. Plenty-Attitude-7821 on

    Why not add the map with what Hitler gave to hungary in the end?

  7. Roughneck16 on

    Do people still speak Hungarian as their first language in that area of Romania?

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