Ein ukrainischer FPV-Quad mit montiertem Maschinengewehr schießt auf russische Stellungen

Von MilesLongthe3rd


  1. IdenticalThings on

    Man. I remember when I though manhacks (lil buzzsaw drones) In Half Life 2 were dystopian.

  2. CameronsParadise on

    I’m curious what caliber bullet they use. The weight of a huge mag. Would something light like a .22 be effective? 5.7? Why not aim the barrel straight down like a ‘pogo stick’?

  3. Torta_di_Pesce on

    if it has lots of speed and climb rate probably would be effective as an anti drone

  4. Longjumping-Nature70 on

    They are deployed.

    There has been video of these in the past when they were being tested.

  5. Predictor-Raging on

    Ah, sweet! Man made horrors beyond my comprehension… Now on top of being scared shitless about a hunter killer drone, I gotta watch out for a drone with a fucking m16 duck taped to it. What next, napalm drones? Oh wait, they got those too already.

  6. Imagine Israel posting their quad drone footage, a bunch of nerds chilling with playstation controllers gunning down helpless kids

    What a fucked up world

  7. I wonder what caliber they are using. From the barrel size, recoil, and over abundance of 7.62 in the area…. I would assume that was what they used here.

    Makes me wonder how a 5.56 or even .45 loaded into the highly stable Kriss Vector platform would handle it.

    Would the weight of the gun and ammo be worth the closer needed range and risk of the drone?

    Is there more of a use for a gun on a drone than a high yield explosive drop of the same price?

    All interesting questions to see how they might be answered with time.

    My guess?

    Useless for anti-ground compared to bombs, so they will start strapping shotguns with birdshot to them, and use them to hunt other drones in the air in some new wave version of aerial dogfighting, drone style. (They already do this, just with ramming and net launchers.)

  8. randomuser69z3 on

    I am amazed these weren’t used form the beginnings. I mean a one drone multiple targets instead of one drone one kill. Now russkies will find out that meat waves don’t work anymore.

  9. ozarkansas on

    Seems like a good way to go after the infantry that likes to ride on top of armor for assaults. Hit them from outside the EW range and at the very least you’ll get them to jump off early

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