[OC] HDI-Variationen zwischen Länderunterteilungen im Verhältnis zum nationalen HDI

Von Emergency-Adagio5551


  1. I’m a little confused on how 90% of Russia can be above the average, especially when Moscow and St. Petersburg are the highest and with the largest populations.

  2. Inevitable-Push-8061 on

    A good map for observing internal differences within a country, but not very effective for comparing different countries with each other. It can be a bit confusing in that sense. The north-south divide in Italy or the east-west divide in Turkey is clearly visible.

  3. It would’ve been a better map if you outilned country borders somehow. Some people, including myself, do not fully recognize international borders.

  4. Does this mean,

    Uk and France are doing really bad? Since there seems to be high inequality in terms of regions having HDI.

    USA, China and India seems to have development which is more spread out. Unlike europe where it seems to be more concentrated in a few sub regions.

  5. fartypenis on

    Île de France looks like it’s sucking the wealth out from all nearby regions lmao

  6. This map proves one more time how HDI is a really bad indicator of the quality of life of a country or region. The objective data as income doesn’t necessarily reflect the standard of living of the citizens

  7. Class_444_SWR on

    Kind of absurd how literally only Greater London and South East England have a higher than UK average HDI. Goes to show the bias

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