Sie wurden beauftragt, Todesfälle schwangerer Frauen zu untersuchen. Georgia hat sie alle entlassen


  1. Negative_Gravitas on

    >ProPublica reported in September on the deaths of Amber Thurman and Candi Miller, which the state maternal mortality review committee had determined were preventable. They were the first reported cases of women who died without access to care restricted by a state abortion ban, and they unleashed a torrent of outrage over the fatal consequences of such laws.

    This is what caused Georgia officials to disband the committee. The dead pregnant women were not a problem. People *knowing about* the dead pregnant women was.

  2. Imaginary_Bus_6742 on

    When the experts don’t tell you what you want to hear, what do you do? Fire them, and get those that will tell you what you want to hear.

  3. Many_Ad6471 on

    Cause the results were all pointing to illegally trying to abort a viable fetus.

  4. stripedvitamin on

    This should be headline news on every mainstream media outlet.

  5. Many_Ad6471 on

    If you research you will see that at least two of them got and took misporpin after 20 weeks and denied it at the hospital.

  6. Many_Ad6471 on

    There is a real reason those drugs are not given to pregnant women after a certain point without medical monitoring.

  7. cybercybinz on

    How the fuck is it legal for anyone but me, my doctor and maybe the coroner to see or review my medical and death records??? Fuck this disgusting country. Wtf god damn it this pisses me off.

  8. GardenPeep on

    “Maternal mortality review committees exist in every state“ I didn’t even know these existed, and now they’re under threat. What other components of our sophisticated society will disappear without anyone even knowing?

  9. RavelsPuppet on

    Friends and families of pregnant women whondied should report it to the media and on all available social media.

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