Eine Überwachungskamera in der Nähe fängt die Geräusche ein, die nach dem israelischen Angriff in Basta, Libanon, im Zentrum von Beirut um 4 Uhr morgens zu hören waren. Wahrscheinlich wurden Bunkerbrecher eingesetzt

Von TeaBagHunter


  1. TeaBagHunter on

    This is the result of the explosions:

    Other photos showed deep holes and a large crater similar to the bunker busters.

    Conflicting reports on the target, some say Naim Qassem, some say Talal Hamieh.

    Many have been injured and many have been killed as it happened in the middle of the night without warning and targeted ~4 buildings close to each other

    Edit: to note the clock seems 1 hour behind, it happened at 4 AM

  2. Jackbuddy78 on

    The sound of generational PTSD.   

    Really setting up some well adjusted kids over there who dream the sounds of collapsing buildings. 

  3. HornetLife2058 on

    That’s a lot of silica dust… Get me OSHA we need to drop these bombs safer xD

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