Walmart warnt davor, die Preise erhöhen zu müssen, wenn Trumps Zölle in Kraft treten


  1. BukkitCrab on

    It won’t just be Walmart. Prices are going to go up *everywhere* if Trump’s tariffs become a reality. If you thought commodities like eggs were expensive *now*, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

  2. Well, if they had stuck to the one legitimate principle that old Sam Walton ever had, which was only selling “made in America” products, this wouldn’t be an issue for them.

    Not a fan of Cheeto or his misguided approach to tarriffs, but I can’t shed a tear for the Walton inheritance leeches who have made billions off of selling cheap shit from China.

  3. hermitlikeindividual on

    No shit? It’s not up to the other country? Wow, we’re fucked! Dumb fuckers that don’t know what a fucking tariff is because they didn’t pay attention in school. We are a nation overrun with imbeciles.

  4. OrganicWorking7867 on

    Walmart is greedy and has record profits. The Walton Family is ungodly wealthy

  5. bodega_bladerunner on

    I work a medical device company and we’re preparing for a 100% tariff for devices we import from China. Yes you read that right…100 fuxkin percent. And you know what, we’re not absorbing that cost.
    Expect healthcare costs to increase as well as if it wasn’t already butt fuxkinly expensive already

  6. sudo_kill_dash_9 on

    Thanks Walmart. You could have said this a couple months ago. Just saying that was always a possibility.

  7. Sure_Quality5354 on

    I wonder how many idiots are still gonna blame biden/kamala/ literally anyone but trump

  8. Think-Werewolf-4521 on

    I thought Trump said the Chinese would pay them like Mexico paid for the wall.

  9. IsGoingTTaM on

    Big tax cuts and inflating prices; seems like Walmart is gonna get a big payout. Suckers and losers who voted for Trump should be ashamed but they’ll blame the Dems for what the GOP caused.

  10. questionable_things on

    Little annoying that companies weren’t saying this before the election 

  11. Tariffs are taxes. It’s funny how these MAGA conservatives have been implicitly complied to vote for “more taxes”.

    Taxes is public income. Putting tariffs on selected products is a legitimate resource to finance government spending and public expenditures… when it actually doesn’t harm the local industries.

    Famously, the world bank and western institutions have pressured poor countries to remove tariffs, which have bankrupted many countries where most people didn’t have enough declared income to pay income or wealth taxes.

    But, it’s not like years ago when European countries pressured African countries to remove import tariffs on frozen poultry carcasses, paid with CAP subventions and starve African poultry farmers.

    It’s China, it can and it will retaliate.

  12. Rupaulsdragrace420 on

    Wow if only someone had ran against him and pointed that out.

    Oh wait.

  13. backwardbuttplug on

    Already the plans that will hurt everyone, including his base, are coming into focus.

  14. EntrepreneurPlus6122 on

    Six months from now … “I don’t know how they did it, but the democrats raised prices at Walmart!”

  15. duckinradar on

    You’ll notice they didn’t say thing 4 months ago because at this point, they profit either way.

  16. Yelloeisok on

    I encourage all magas to take pictures of the prices in Walmarts of all of their frequently bought foods, and then compare them in October 2028. Bring on the excuses, you true believers.

  17. _serious__ on

    Now we’ll all have to pay $20 for those eggs thanks to you idiots that voted for him

  18. atxmike721 on

    Can’t wait! I hope the tariffs cause massive price hikes and wage cuts for the low information low intelligence voters that voted for him

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