Neue Studie kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass KI-Agenten menschliche Umfrageantworten mit einer Genauigkeit von 85 % reproduzieren können, was ein Werkzeug darstellt, das die sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung verändern könnte.
Neue Studie kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass KI-Agenten menschliche Umfrageantworten mit einer Genauigkeit von 85 % reproduzieren können, was ein Werkzeug darstellt, das die sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung verändern könnte.
“These agents mirrored the responses of the 1,052 human participants with an accuracy of 85% when replicating participant responses in surveys and experiments. An example is their answers to the General Social Survey (GSS), a widely used sociological survey that assesses attitudes and beliefs…
The human participants’ own replication accuracy — the rate at which they gave the same answers on both occasions — was 81% on average … In other words, 85% accuracy effectively nears the ceiling of what could be expected from humans.
… Imagine testing public health messages, economic policies, marketing campaigns, or educational programs across thousands of simulated people representing diverse demographic groups, all without scheduling a single in-person session or paying hefty participation fees.”
If you have unrestricted, publicly-available survey forms then you’re already sampling what AI can do. Joy.