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My lord the mountain west.
I wonder what it is that’s presumably happier about that 1 random vertical slice that goes from the Dakotas down to west Texas
They say living at a high elevation increases suicide rates.
The green patch in the middle is only because the tornadoes get to ’em first
Man fuck the colorblind I guess. This sub hates us.
the paradise paradox
There’s probably not much of note that’s different between the dark red counties and the neighbouring dark grey counties save for that some counties are too small to have a suicide in any given year.
Guys the dark green means no data
Are Nevada and the Four Corners seriously that shitty of a place to live in?
I live in Arizona and I always say “it’s so hot I could kill myself”, but I don’t actually do it.
Interesting contrast between the Great Plains and the mountain West. Predictable patterns in Appalachia, but what’s up with the lower Mississippi River area? That particular spot is usually the best at being the worst, but somehow not so for this particular issue?
Is it a racial thing? Seems like lots of whites and natives in these red areas? I would guess they have higher suicide rates.
Elevation is a known risk factor for suicide.
The “no data available” is way too close to one of the colors where it’s known.
It’s borderline misleading to see the green-to-red scale, then see so much dark green and think those counties have the lowest rates.
Here’s an interesting trend I noticed: rural counties tend to have a higher suicide rate than urban and suburban counties, except for in the Plains states and the Black Belt of the Southeast.
That John Denver is full of shit, man.
NYC is green? There’s a suicide there every hour
“The Intermountain West is a place that is disproportionately populated by middle-aged and aging white men, single, unattached, often unemployed, with access to guns,” Wray told Freakonomics Radio in the 2011 episode “The Suicide Paradox.”
I’d like to see one with raw numbers instead of this representation.
Out of Douglas county in Colorado and my attempt didn’t take so I hope that statistic doesn’t count lol.
Is it just me or is that suicide scale at the bottom inverted? Looks like green means higher rates of suicide and red lower? I know I am somewhat colorblind but not that colorblind, right?
Why is no data dark green??
This color coding is awful. Like is Nebraska mostly low or mostly no data??
What is going on in the South West?
I want to point out that the red counties have higher rates of Native Americans, who die by suicide at higher rates than any other racial or ethnic group. It’s really heartbreaking.
More guns= more suicides. This is coming from a gun advocate who doesn’t own a gun for that very reason
Man this maps colors are awful. No data is dark green and green is low rates? Anyways someone mentioned farmers have 3.5x higher suicide rates than the average population. I live in a rural area and it is depressing how hard people work for what little they get back.
Southern Vermont has it rough, not a lot of money but plenty of drugs. I follow a scanner page and there are suicides reported often.
By county IN THE USA. Fixed your title.
Isolation is deadly for a social species like us.
I do believe people are happier near the ocean . It’s a natural effect I think .
Farming works!