Altcoins glänzen, während die Krypto-Wirtschaft 3,29 Billionen US-Dollar erreicht: OM, XLM, ADA und XRP treiben die Raserei voran


  1. Dont forget to take a look at COTI Network, their V2 main net will go live early next year which will bring privacy solutions al 70 different networks. its a big deal

  2. lionsandtigersnobear on

    3 of my top 5 bags along with sol and bitcoin.
    Link dot and sia are my other 3 I’m waiting to take off.

  3. So what I see is all iso 20022 compliant coins pumping top of the charts. Xlm, xrp, Ada, hbar,

    Maybe banks are going to implement crypto for swift payments. Since these are some of the only coins that are compliant.. just my 2 cents

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