Nordkorea warnt die USA vor einem thermonuklearen Krieg


  1. BugInternational3466 on

    Not sure about nukes but world gotta stop this man from eating, I am afraid he is going to EXPLODE someday

  2. ArthurMorganKenobi on

    Every time he steps in front of a camera with THAT haircut it’s an attack on the world as far as I’m concerned, bring it on chubby!

  3. WangMangDonkeyChain on

    the battle between the swiss cream brie and south korean KFC is already underway in his distended belly.

  4. Saber rattling is all they have, then he meet with Trump after 1/20 and says we Gucci. Its a scam designed to extract concessions from the west and his neighbors.

  5. IronNobody4332 on

    Damn he hasn’t done that for a couple months. Did he forget or something?

  6. Supermancometh on

    So despite supplying Russia with millions of artillery shells and at least ten thousand troops for use on a foreign soil, he’s accusing the USA escalation…

  7. Shmishshmorshman on

    So Russia warns the West not to escalate but decides to recruit North Korea….. Sounds like they are escalating. Looks like room for negotiations.

  8. KrookedDoesStuff on

    >> North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has accused the U.S. of contributing to increasing global tensions

    But when Russia, North Korea etc do it, it’s kosher right Kim?

  9. QuicksandHUM on

    We invented it. We could turn your land into glass and still have enough nukes for China, Russia, and New Zealand.

  10. I’m almost 40… at this point it’s put up or shut up. Either I have bills to pay tomorrow or nothing matters.

  11. moonbase17 on

    I don’t understand why these leaders think there’s going to be a nuclear “war”. It’s just going to be annhilation with a few outliers surviving the fallout(if they’re lucky?). Even when a dictator survives, there’s no point in being a dictator if theirs no one to rule. It’s such a dumbass statement, threatening nuclear war.

  12. Squared-Porcupine on

    The thing is, all of us normal people in every country , none of us want a thermonuclear war. We all just want to do the same things – live our lives to the best of our ability, with those we love surrounding us.

  13. desesseintes_7 on

    This fat fuck grows in size while his own people die of malnourishment (or get sent to fight a war that has nothing to do with them). Textbook dictator, only he’s thicker than the historical average. Disgusting.

  14. KlutchAtStraws on

    At least we know how to beat his army – just drop a load of smartphones with the hub bookmarked and they’ll be wanking themselves into unconsciousness.

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