Veröffentlicht am 22.11.2024. Das Filmmaterial wurde auf einem russischen TG-Kanal veröffentlicht. Datum und Ort der Aufnahme unbekannt.


  1. Goodbye cruel world, I’m leaving you today, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye!

  2. tele-picker on

    Don’t worry guys, there’s a Javelin somewhere out there for you too.

  3. CutRepresentative197 on

    Looks like the gunner of the destroyed tanks was standing and watched out. I guess parts of him has gone orbital…

    Edit: replaced commander by gunner

  4. _Man-in-the-Middle_ on

    Destroyed? It got a different function that of a burned orc hide out

  5. smallsoft1 on

    It may be published today, but this footage is 2 years old – or something like that, its old.
    Never the less, its a great footage 👍

  6. Hendrik_the_Third on

    Imagine seeing this, not knowing if another dude is aiming his javelin at you, too.

  7. WotTheFook on

    *Narrator: it was at this point that Ivan thought that being in a tank wasn’t the safest place to be.*

  8. Far-Explanation4621 on

    Dead guy felt/saw it coming. He turned his head at the last second. Wild footage.

  9. Western_Area_3473 on

    Ah this video is from the battle for avdiivka during the start of the last 2 weeks of October before Ukraine reached 300k on Halloween KIA MIA WIA 2023…..

  10. Ohbertpogi on

    Oh blyat! How will Ivan can pay me for that 100 rubles he owes me last night?

  11. Common-Ad6470 on

    It’s not by accident that the javelin resembles an unlubed dildo of consequence.

  12. It’s an old video, I remember seeing it like a year ago. The longer video shows a piece of the tank landing on the tank filming and the guy in the video throws it off

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