Iranische Frau, die wegen Ausziehens festgenommen wurde, wird ohne Anklage freigelassen – BBC News


  1. Wow she survived? I was sure that they would have killed her. She is very lucky.

  2. I wonder what happen to the women that do similar things but dont go viral on social media.

  3. piratecheese13 on

    I actually did not see that coming. I have expected her to be shipped to Russia and have a unfortunate accident with a window and a high building.

  4. And as the world focuses on the next thing, she might just disappear. Authocrats are petty.
    I feel like my countries embassy in Iran should find her and offer asylum.

  5. Just waiting for the fervor to lessen … then off to the bone saws.

  6. Jack-Tar-Says on

    Phew. I thought those bastards would kill her.

    So glad to hear she’s alive and hopefully well.

  7. Newstargirl on

    That’s good news. Watching the video was really unsettling, and not knowing the language, I could tell if the females who recorded the event were mocking the girl or not.

    I hope for her and her family to have peace and healing,

  8. Wow, incredible that she managed to survive. I guess Iran is terrified with Israel showing how much stronger it is than Iran and Trump getting elected in America after Iran tried to assassinate him. They are probably terrified their people will have a martyr to rally around if they kill her now, and will overthrow them with western support.

    Her main goal should be to get the fuck out of Iran before the news cycle moves on and her story is forgotten by most people… because I don’t think her chances will be so good at that point.

  9. Amethystlamuso on

    I am so glad to hear she’s alive. I was so sure she would be killed but thank gawd she’s alive

  10. CaptainPixel on

    “Iranian woman who undressed after being assaulted, and was then assaulted again and detained, released without charge” – There fixed that for ya BBC

  11. CriticallyAskew on

    Whoa… I’m happy to see it, but wow is that surprising. I guess there was enough global attention on it?

  12. Good job everybody who brought this to the spot lights alse this woman wouldn’t be alive. This time the Media and peoples voices kept her alive.

  13. OkRegister1567 on

    Who’s reporting this though, can we get some confirmation that she’s okay?

  14. Opposite_Ad_1707 on

    Why do the Iranian government keep such beautiful women covered? She looks to be very attractive. Why cover up such beauty?

  15. > A spokesperson for the Iranian judiciary said **the woman had been treated in hospital** and returned to her family.

    I wonder whether she was treated with uranium or a lobotomy.

  16. HighAndFunctioning on

    They’re just going to kill her after the news cycle of her release.

  17. I saw Jackson Hinkle posting about this saying she was “mentally ill” and that the West is touting about a mentally ill person.

    The article mentions she was hospitalized in a psychiatric ward and then released. The fact that this Twitter far right guy who wishes Russia would just conquer the world has the same narrative as the Iranian regime says something.

  18. Competitive_Book467 on

    This is not true. She is still forcefully in a Psych ward without a lawyer. I‘m Iranian and happy to answer any question. But BBC time and time proved to be aligned with Islamic Regim‘s propogand.

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