Der russische T-90 explodiert, wobei der Turm 200 Meter in die Luft schießt.

Von Physical-Cut-2334


  1. I_Am_The_Password on

    Probably had full capacity of shells and full tank of fuel for sure.

  2. CutRepresentative197 on

    What the hell…thats not the ammo alone. Had the crew beans and onions for lunch?

  3. Top-Tumbleweed-5956 on

    At this point it looks like they use it as a vehicle-IED. Beautiful tactic, second army of the planet

  4. TheAviatorPenguin on

    Ah, training for the Olympic Turret Toss, a strong contender I see….

  5. QuadraUltra on

    No doubt it t series but there is literally nothing in video that indicates it’s t90

  6. allcaps891 on

    Anyone who played war thunder knows you don’t go with full ammo capacity into a realistic battle.

  7. wolfhound_doge on

    i love how the operator knows exactly what this video will be used for (after it serves it’s primary purpose of confirming the hit) and keeps the turret in the picture.

  8. Lord-Cynic on

    New highlander game event. Tossing Russian tank turrets. Apparently, a female Ukranian teacher came first.

  9. Naive-Offer8868 on

    Im legitimately curious if there is any videos of ‘western’ style tanks catastrophically exploding like this?

  10. Neither_Situation_36 on

    this make remenber that pic of a t-something that exploded and looks exactly like a skull

  11. BirdFew1567 on

    Im so impressed! Gentlemen, this is probably the winner of the turret toss competition 🥇🥇

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