Ehepaar zwang Jungen, sich an der Vergewaltigung eines Babys zu beteiligen

    Von Tartan_Samurai


    1. Machinegun_Funk on

      Well that’s a fucking grim headline for a Friday lunchtime

    2. LuminousAuraX on

      I hope they get what they deserve for doing these horrible things.

    3. I feel like every story posted to this sub is the fucking worst of the worst . So depressing

    4. yubnubster on

      I know the consensus is we should read the actual article, but sometimes the less you know the better.

    5. DreamCloudz1 on

      Supervised for 3 and 4 years after their release? WTAF! These monsters will never change. Why only supervised for that length of time? They should be locked away for life because they will always pose a significant risk to the most vulnerable and precious members of our society. This risk cannot be managed in the community.

    6. richardricahrdesq on

      The juxtaposition – sat in an office listening to Christmas songs on the radio with that Friday feeling and saw this…..

      Sadistic, evil and depraved – I hope these cunts get what they deserve – innocent lives ruined from these facinorous bastards. There’s levels of criminality & justice can be obtained through time served and rehabilitation in many cases.

      This though….what justice could be obtained through the courts – fucking sick and ain’t no paths to redemption for them.

    7. Existing_Money_51 on

      How is what these people have done less deserving of a life sentence than murder? This calculated and the worst of the worst imo. How anyone could do this to a helpless baby is beggars belief.

    8. > Crawford, 33, was sentenced to 10 years in jail, while Cummins, 35, received a 14-year sentence after the pair denied any wrongdoing during a trial at the High Court in Edinburgh.

      > Samantha Crawford and Michael Cummins, from Kirkcaldy in Fife, made the children, then aged seven and three, participate in their attacks on the infant as well as sexually assaulting a fourth child.

      What da fuk did I just read?

    9. WeirdTop2371 on

      I don’t even know what to say. I don’t think I can imagine what these sick fucks deserve but I hope they get it in spades.

    10. cyb3rheater on

      I do think in cases like this we should consider bringing back capital punishment. The world would be a better place without them.

    11. ParkedUpWithCoffee on

      Wtf did I just read. That poor baby and the young boys too. There is no reason for this couple to ever get released from prison.

    12. I realise it’s because I’m not a complete monster but I will just never understand how people can do things like this – repeatedly, at that – and still live with themselves. I can get how someone can justify theft or credit card fraud or whatever else to themselves. I don’t understand how you can sleep at night knowing you’ve done this.

    13. Kim_catiko on

      I know many people will have probably said this, but please bring back hanging for people like this. Their actions are beyond evil, they are unspeakable, sickening, and depraved. I am not usually one to advocate for death sentences, but I’ll say there a very special cases like these where it is rightly deserved.

      How in God’s name are these people going to be allowed to roam free once their sentences are complete? It is an abomination.

    14. NihilismIsSparkles on

      I think the state of the world and my mental state can be summed up by declaring this didn’t shock me, no headline can anymore.

      But ffs I really still hate the fact the headline exists.

    15. snippity_snip on

      Christ Reddit, I just saw an article posted about a cop shooting a two month old baby in the head, and now this. What a terrible day to have eyes.

    16. A one-year-old child?? One year old? How do you even live with yourself?

    17. FreshLaundry23 on

      Uuuggghhhhhh. I hate that I scrolled through the home page and saw this headline. Hard not to want to know something about the details.

      If this is 100% proven that someone did that to a baby, then I believe the death penalty is justified. I don’t care what any bleeding hearts say. There’s no rehabilitating evil on that level.

    18. What a horrible day to be able to read. I hope those kids recover from this.

    19. You know it’s grim when the jury is offered counselling about it.

      Sentences should be for life. Full life.

    20. 10 – 14 years is a pitiful sentence for something that’s magnitudes more serious than blocking the M25 with a climate protest.

      This couple should be getting life sentences.

      Sometimes I think if there was a party that campaigned on the platform of heavily toughening sentences towards paedophiles, they’d win an electoral landslide.

    21. BromleyReject on

      I’ll pull the lever myself for a fiver

      F–k it, I’ll do it for free

    22. cochlearist on

      I don’t usually jump on the “that’s far too lenient” train, but honestly!!!

      Just for putting the jury through it they should be seeing more time!!!

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