Ein nicht-religiöses Bild, das ich für heilig halte. Die ehemalige Lehrerin Natalia Hrabarchuk erkennt, dass sie eine russische Marschflugrakete abgeschossen hat


Von asdtyyhfh


  1. That-Cat-Guy-777 on

    I can’t imagine what she is feeling knowing that she likely just saved people’s lives including the very children she taught. Amazing stuff.

  2. Fuck this. This great woman should live happy life, cheer up children and make their days brighter. Instead she and other beautiful people were forced to defend their homes because some power hungry crazy bastards want to enforce fear as they did for centuries. Guys, cherish your lives, each happy day you have, cherish good people around you. Me alongside millions of others are denied of our lives. I don’t know if I ever see my birthplace or graves of my relatives again, yet alone if I’ll go through all of this. I hope Ukraine and all the world who value freedom and dignity will have some peaceful time in the future.

  3. CrankyGeek1976 on

    Badass and sad at the same time, a teacher should be teaching and building the future.

  4. GLTMadDogYT on

    Of all images I’ve seen in this war, this belong amongst the best. So far there are some images that got stuck in my memory. The Azov fighter with a beard with a broken arm, an elderly couple with bandaged heads comforting each other at a hospital, the soldier who was shot after saying “Slava Ukraine”, amongst others… This image will qualify. This image captures the strength, determination, commitment and emotions the Ukrainians have. You must win. You will win.

    Героям Слава!

    Слава Україні! 🇸🇪🇺🇦


  5. 2FalseSteps on

    Wait a sec.

    You’re telling me that RuZZia’s supreme technical prowess that built a world-feared, unstoppable cruise missile was shot down by a schoolteacher? /s

  6. corksoaker84 on

    If Ukraine has something equivalent to the second amendment it should be made into law that every individual be given and have the right to own MANPAD equipment. Heart breaks for this woman.

  7. Striking-Giraffe5922 on

    Well done! That missile won’t kill innocent Ukrainians!

  8. Blurghblagh on

    Maybe they shouldn’t be putting her name out in the world like that? As unlikely as it is there is always a risk of Russia targeting her unit or home in a spiteful revenge attack so they can crow about it in the media or a fanatic taking revenge on her either now or in the future.

  9. anevilpotatoe on

    I can only imagine the spine tingling rush of duty and fulfillment she was overwhelmed with. It’s inspiring beyond measure.

    About a few weeks ago, there was an argument with a pal of mine debating how he didn’t believe women fought in the U.S. Military and thought women shouldn’t serve in the Military. I understand he’s a bit passive aggressive and uses his trolling as an excuse to probe conversation, but he was indeed serious from the beginning and he knew it. As much as he tried to find an off ramp on the topic, this wasn’t something I could let slide. Let alone let slide while he was casual about this conversation on XBL Party Chat.

    The gradual anger that boiled over and it was in that moment I sort of snapped prodding him on his own twisted narrative. I needed to know why he actually thought this, where was he getting this information from, why he was so vested in this. He was actually serious. Perhaps it was a reflection of the dynamics in my friendship that I misunderstood. Perhaps he thought I was on the same page as him.

    But if this was a friend I knew that shared this same sort misogyny. The friends that were in silent agreement must have felt the same way. They did not say a thing even as I was doling out the facts ironed out as clear public information, sharing tid bits of exciting adventures from some of our well known coronels, admirals and generals, pointing him in the direction of much of the legislation and policy put forward in protecting/empowering our women in uniform and ultimately how it backs our commitment to our U.S. Constitution. The lessons learned that we do not backslide on in principle alone, a commitment towards progress, our people and our country.

    This picture reminds me of that conversation. But most of all it reminds me that we as people must not fall for the lies built on bias and media, the naysayers. That all men and women have equal capacity to face threats head on and together. It’s in that truth that Ukraine has ultimately proved everyone wrong, it’s in that truth that they have accomplished incredible feats in this war, and it’s in that truth that they will win and will prosper through this.

  10. The face you make when you know you just saved several people’s lives  – your first day on the job. 

    Powerful photo. 

    Glory to the heros. 

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