Ukrainischer Soldat zeigt die zerstörten Stellungen russischer Marinesoldaten in der Region Kursk!


  1. 4fallsofbills on

    Remember the Chinese terms “lay flat” and “lot it rot”? I think the Russian scum are doing it way better lol.

  2. xfirehurican on

    WTF!!? How’d this happen!!? These orcs appear to be very well camouflaged. Anyone? Asking for a friend.

  3. Virtual-Pension-991 on

    Marines, not meat shields.

    Guess they’re definitely targeting a full recapture of that portion of Kursk.

  4. It seems these dead Russian marines brought unwanted attention down upon their heads. Perhaps this video will enlighten other Russian troops? This can be the fate of Russians who execute surrendered Ukrainians while being recorded by drones. Now, the butchers are being recorded with no complaints coming from them. Russia needs to smarten up & leave Ukrainians alone.

  5. Benukraine on

    Have these bodies been lying there for a while? Is it possible to approximately date decay?

  6. Capable-Foundation58 on

    God’s chosen people, blending in with autumnal leaves and rubbish.

    A still life by Vladimir Putin, a masterclass in bullshit and impotence.

  7. Automatic_Royal_270 on

    Ukraine really giving them the smoke. Ruskies wont last if NATO joined

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