Malaria-Impfstoff durch Mückenstiche: Wissenschaftler entwickelten eine neue Impfstrategie mit Stichen von Mücken, die gentechnisch veränderte Parasiten tragen. Fast 90 % der Menschen, die den veränderten Parasiten ausgesetzt waren, konnten sich nach einem Stich durch Malariamücken nicht mit der Krankheit anstecken.


  1. I’ve linked to the news release in the post above. In this comment, for those interested, here’s the link to the peer reviewed journal article:

    From the linked article:

    This malaria vaccine is delivered by a mosquito bite

    Bites from insects infected with modified malaria parasites boosted immunity and stopped people from contracting the disease.

    Scientists have developed a new vaccination strategy for malaria — boosting immunity through bites from mosquitoes carrying a genetically engineered version of the parasite that causes malaria. In a trial, the approach reduced participants’ susceptibility to malaria, potentially paving the way for more effective ways to stop the disease, which infects some 250 million people a year.

    The study, which was published1 in The New England Journal of Medicine on 20 November, exposed participants to bites from mosquitoes that had a modified version of the Plasmodium falciparum parasite, which causes malaria. In humans, the parasites travel to the liver and then infect red blood cells. The parasites were engineered to stop developing shortly after delivery into a human. Nearly 90% of participants exposed to the modified parasites avoided contracting the disease after being bitten by malaria mosquitoes.

  2. chimisforbreakfast on

    Sufficiently advanced science is indistinguishable from magic…

  3. MisguidedWorm7 on

    I used the parasites to destroy the parasites. 

    There is no way that this goes wrong. I am all for vaccines that spread like the disease they are meant to stop so that anti vaccine lunatics can’t screw everyone else over by not vaccinating and letting the disease fester quietly until it  resurgence later. 

    At least this way they can only avoid the vaccine by taking the same steps to stop the real disease spreading. 

    Though I also understand that this is something that needs a lot of testing and will always carry substantial risk. 

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