Sturmschattenraketen trafen einen Kommandoposten in Maryino, Russland


  1. Listelmacher on

    In case someone wants to have a look around:
    For some reason yandex has no “panorama” pictures at all,
    but google streeview has something.

    The first photo in the article shows this from east.
    So you see this square field surrounded by trees,
    which seems to have always been mowed (helipad?),
    short behind this/more west the overgrown area with the square buildings
    (maybe there were also bunkers)
    and even more west the big white building with the two wings is the “sanatorium”
    Maryino (Baryatinsky estate):Марьино_(усадьба_Барятинских)

    “Maryino is (was) the estate of the princes Baryatinsky …
    The palace and park complex was founded by Prince I. I. Baryatinsky in the 1810s.

    In the 1930s, by order of the “all-Union elder” M. I. Kalinin … the Pokrovskaya Church
    of the estate was destroyed and a school was built in its place.
    The crypt of the princes Baryatinsky under this church was converted into
    a school boiler room and coal storage, while the Baryatinsky family tomb was desecrated:
    nineteen princely tombs were destroyed.

    With the disappearance of the CPSU in 1991, the (now) sanatorium for 220 people ended
    up on the balance sheet of the medical center under the Government of the Russian Federation.”
    (On some places you can find it described now as “Presidential Administration Sanatorium”.)

    After all this history most of the bricks will be original.
    but it is probably a Russian Disneyland style restoration.
    On a photo I have seen that they even have planted gas lamps …
    I wanted to have a look when gas light was introduced in Russia, but I guess
    this backwater never got this and was electrified in the 1920s.

    Someone else may judge whether this Bokanovsky group of flowerpots:Марьино_(усадьба_Барятинских).jpg
    or the rain gutters are historically correct:
    I guess the Southfork Ranch has more historic value.

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