„Selbstgebaute“ Rakete der Schüler fliegt schneller und weiter ins All als jedes andere Amateur-Raumschiff – und bricht damit 20-Jahres-Rekorde



    1. VincentNacon on

      …and then we’ll never hear from them ever again because the government won’t like the idea of normal people playing with such tech. Some tech giants or whatever agency, will simply hire them out and have them do something else.

    2. 1776cookies on

      So it went 313,333 mph? Did I read that right? I know it didn’t, but…

    3. most_crispy_owl on

      It wasn’t clear to me how much involvement they had in the rocket motor, as they said it was the most powerful solid propellant motor used in a student rocket. Which could mean they had the best one made for them, or that they designed it. A decent sized difference.

      But the article says about them using new heat resistant paint, and titanium coated fins. That’s cool!

    4. Another tool to use in HOA wars. That ugly fence is coming down Karen!!!!

    5. Lilbitevil on

      I’m just going to do a test flight around Jupiter real quick. Be right back.

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