Ergebniskarte der US-Präsidentschaftswahl 1972

Von MeeranQureshi


  1. EmperorThan on

    And now just remember that Nixon was so fearful of losing in 1972 he did Watergate. lol

    Paranoia at its finest.

  2. AndyJoeJoe on

    Side note: in 1972, TX + FL = 43 electoral votes. In 2024, it’s 70.

  3. st3llablu3 on

    I had a McGovern / Eagleton button that I would wear proudly. Then the media found out that Eagleton had some past mental issues and that killed it for Eagleton. McGovern then picked Shriver as his running mate.

  4. OneBee2443 on

    Nixon is such a dumb ass. He rigged an election that he already won ☠️

  5. PsychologicalBad438 on

    Boy we sure messed up in 1972 and my guess is we sure did it again in 2024.

  6. Hulk_Crowgan on

    Did we need more proof that an absolutely dog shit president can be voted in by the popular vote?

  7. Don’t blame me, I’m from Massachusetts.

    It never gets old.

    Edit: unfortunately

  8. Now, that was a true landslide. Too bad the winner did not get to enjoy it for very long.

  9. No-Setting-2669 on

    Haven’t learned a thing from our past huh? Definition of insanity

  10. Stalinnommnomm on

    McGovern is the fuckin best name a US president could ever have

  11. Substantial_Unit_447 on

    Imagine having the last name McGovern and not governing

  12. Sad_Salt_Death on

    Why did Nixon do the Watergate stuff despite being so popular? Way to destroy your legacy…

  13. XenonBrewing on

    There’s a great book on the democratic primaries and McGovern’s flop here by Hunter S Thompson. It’s called “Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail 1972”

    Some other commenters are saying McGovern got the DNC nomination because of a rigged convention but he was the underdog and certainly not the party heads’ top choice. The Democratic Party was a huge tent in those primaries with folks like George Wallace from Alabama who was outspokenly pro segregation, Humphrey who had lost the previous election, and many others with broad stances on peace in vietnam, amnesty for draft dodgers, and drug policy.

    It was also just a crazy election because it was the first election since the voting age was lowered from 21 to 18 so there was a lot of talk about the “Youth vote”

  14. luckypoint87 on

    Damn who was the democrat candidate back then? A pineapple with a painted face?

  15. Unhappy_Local_9502 on

    Illinois going from 26 to 19 EV… Florida going from 17 to 30.. Texas 26 to 40

  16. Don’t blame me, I’m from Massachusetts. And I was 5 at the time.

  17. 2020fakenews on

    As a 19 year old, this was my first presidential election. The Vietnam war was still going on and McGovern was the anti-war candidate. I volunteered to work in his campaign, as I had no desire to get drafted and sent half way around the world to fight in a wildly unpopular war.

    I was a bit of a hippie back then but my views changed as I got older. Looking back on my involvement with the McGovern campaign makes me cringe now.

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