Jude Law sagt, Unternehmen, die fossile Brennstoffe betreiben, müssen sich für ihr Handeln verantworten



  1. dandehmand on

    Well if Jude Law says this, the fossil fuel companies will have to listen up now…

  2. Competition-Dapper on

    Well good fucking luck. Who the hell do you think runs the government

  3. We can pack it up boys, celebrities once again have deigned to impart knowledge upon us, the lowly peons that have no hope of ever comprehending their brilliance.

    Next up on /r/entertainment, more insights from the world of Denzel.

  4. says the guy that probably uses more fossil fuels than any normal person. celebrities can fuck off!

  5. Melvinator5001 on

    Umm it’s supply and demand. If we didn’t use it they wouldn’t produce it and do the things they do. Right neighborhood Jude wrong tree.

  6. AfterSchoolOrdinary on

    Thank god, I was starting to think no one was going to take this seriously.

  7. yourname241 on

    Yes Jude, but you do as well. How many movies sets did you travel to using fossil fuel? Or did you just bike or walk across the globe?

  8. Ritchie_Whyte_III on

    I keep forgetting that Actors and Musicians have much more insightful opinions on global issues due to their performance skillset.

    I am so tired of these rich windbags in their air conditioned mansions, stretch limos, and private jets with huge carbon footprints getting pious.

    They need to realize that buying goods and services that are hydrocarbon dependent is absolutely hypocritical.

  9. justthegrimm on

    Oh yes, the great scientific mind Jude Law. Wonder when he will publish his thesis

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