Cannabis stört die Gehirnaktivität bei jungen Erwachsenen, die anfällig für Psychosen sind. Eine neue Studie ergab, dass junge Erwachsene mit einem Risiko für Psychosen eine verminderte Gehirnkonnektivität aufweisen, was der Cannabiskonsum offenbar verschlimmert


  1. giuliomagnifico on

    >Using advanced brain scanning technology, the team studied 49 participants aged 16 to 30, including individuals with recent psychotic symptoms and those considered at high risk. The results, published in JAMA Psychiatry, indicate that lower synaptic density is linked to social withdrawal and lack of motivation, symptoms the researchers say are difficult to treat.

    >While cannabis is a known risk factor for developing psychosis, which can progress to schizophrenia, this is the first time researchers have measured structural changes in the brains of a high-risk population in real time.
    >The team’s next research phase will explore whether these observed brain changes could predict psychosis development, potentially enabling earlier intervention.

    Paper: [Synaptic Density in Early Stages of Psychosis and Clinical High Risk | Radiology | JAMA Psychiatry | JAMA Network](

  2. retrosenescent on

    I wonder if that’s why it helps people with brain hyperconnectivity so much, like people with ADHD

  3. andarealhero_ on

    I’m a 23 year old guy with a family history of schizophrenia (1 case, 2nd degree relative with very late onset).

    Does this mean I shouldn’t indulge in light use?

  4. KourteousKrome on

    I really want to enjoy cannabis recreationally, but I feel I’m on that side of the fence that has psychosis issues. I feel like I lose connection to reality (not in a good way) and get really paranoid when I smoke or take an edible. If you don’t want to raw dog life and have some recreational fun from time to time, alcohol is the only option I have.

  5. Neverhityourmark on

    If i remember right, its part of what contributed to amanda bynes losing her mind back in the 2000s

  6. dicemonkey on

    Big surprise …people at risk for psychosis shouldn’t do mind altering drugs …but I’ll bet legal drugs are just fine right ? …right ? Or maybe we should just help them.

  7. Bluesnow2222 on

    My younger sister in high school had an episode of Psychosis linked to using. She had to go inpatient for a week and even months later she was not in a good place. At the time we wondered why cannabis was all it took or if there was more to it. Her father had a history of severe mental health issues including psychosis and we wondered if it had just triggered something genetic.

    She’s doing better now, but sadly she refuses to take any medication for illness or mental health. She’s worried anything could make her go through an episode again as a side effect.

  8. ToasterPops on

    my partner has had 2 episodes, both correlating with increased usage prior to psychosis

  9. thetitanitehunk on

    I wonder if taking CBD would counter the reduced brain activity at all? I find if I’m taking CBD that the THC doesn’t hit me as hard as if I weren’t taking CBD. Just thinking out loud here that the ridiculously high THC nowadays may be somewhat the culprit when it comes to pushing those close to psychosis over the edge. I suggest to all to have a little CBD with their THC cuz their friends and they get along great together.

  10. I get horrific derealisation if I smoke. The panic attacks keep me locked in my chair for a good couple of hours.

  11. I’d like to see a study like this on multi year, daily use of meth. Or they could just substitute it with Ritalin.

  12. yoursarrian on

    It’s been well known for decades that psychedelics trigger dormant psychosis in ppl already on the edge of exhibiting it. I guess it’s “proof” now

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