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Doesn’t really matter. She’ll go down as one of the most incompetent European leaders in modern history.
No one wants to read Chamberlain’s diary letters. No one will want to read Merkel’s memoirs other than to understand how she could have possibly botched her job to the extent that she did.
That kind of shite wouldn’t even make decent fish and chip wrapping
Russian filthy money everywhere.
Hör auf, Merkel, you did way too much mistake, just shut the fuck up!
Merkel and others STILL believe that the Russian invasion was due to fears of NATO expansion. This seems to still be the accepted excuse for mass devastation and murder. Please let’s move on from this Russian lie and tell it like it really is; Russian expansionism and influence
She thought she could tame putin by making Germany dependant on russian gas. I have no words for how stupid that was.
I guess being raised in the DDR made her more willing to do a deadly deal with the devil thinking that russia could be normalised. We are all paying the price now.
Aah… Merkel. The East German.
I’m convinced she is/was a Russian asset.
She lived in East Germany, speaks fluent Russian, signed very good contracts for Russia and Germany, opposed Ukraine joining NATO. So, she walks like a duck, looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, what could she be?
Merkel did three good things during her time as chancellor:
1. She kept true to the humanitarian promise of the Grundgesetz
2. She did the exit from the exit from the exit from nuclear power
3. She kept Friedrich Merz from power
To all the Merkel haters.
As Ukraine asked for NATO in 2008, the 49% of Ukrianians were against NATO. 100% of Ukraine military was pro Russian. We saw the quality of Ukrains military in Krim 2014, where they just went to the russian side. We saw, how they struggled with several hundreds russian soldiers in Donetzk. In 2010 Ukrainians have choosen proRussian president.
Who needs such a partner in NATO? Corruption in military was like something normal. . When Latvia and co. whanted to NATO, 90% of the latvians whanted that.
Justify it all she wants, it was the wrong decision.
One needs to ask: Germany does not have secret services and advisers? It’s because it seems that the decisions are based on wishefullthinking and naivety.
Stupid witch
Rule 1: I am not wrong
Rule 2: if it turns out I am wrong, refer to rule 1
Stupid cow. She ruined her country and she assisted in ruining Ukraine.
History will fairly report that Merkel was part of the problem, not the solution.
She shut down Germanys nuclear energy sector and approved nordstream. Stasi through and through.
She is nothing but a fkin Russian agent
To be fair Ukraine’s population was opposed to NATO membership in 2008, which makes membership a no-go. Forcing membership against the will of the people would have helped Yanukovich even more and he won the next election anyway and would have left NATO.
The then leaders of Ukraine can claim farsightedness, but they goofed up the path to NATO. Assuming that Russia is an Imperialst nation caring about maintaining the “invadability” of Ukraine, loudly pushing is not the way.
Organzing a NATO membership of Ukraine *in time* was an almost insurmountable task. First Ukraine’s population had to be convinced and that was done by Russia itself in 2014. But that brought another problem, Ukraine now has a border issue which would automatically trigger NATO article 5, if Ukraine entered.
What Merkel goofed up, was building military capabilities, by undercutting the NATO-2% by a large margin, even 1.5% would have been sufficient to at least have the option of counterdeploying in 2021/2022. Counterdeploying and at the same time offering negotiations about mutual symmetric withdrawal would have prevented the war. NATO troops invited by Ukraine would most likely have experienced a completely different welcome than Russia. But at 1.1% the option was not even there, because there were no means.
Even if the physical means were there, the issue of organizing such counterdeployment in an alliance with 30 members would still have been a big challenge. The one who gets there first, can create an exclusion zone. As it played out that was Russia. The other side has to maintain a safety distance to prevent direct confrontation and WW3.
She also turned her country into a miniature of Africa and the Middle East by encouraging masses of economic migrants from MENA during the 2010s. That is what made the rise of AFD possible.
More on this subject from other reputable sources:
– tagesschau.de (A): [How Merkel sees her Russia policy](https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/innenpolitik/merkel-memoiren-100.html)
– ZDF (A-): [Angela Merkel defends decisions on Ukraine](https://www.zdf.de/nachrichten/politik/deutschland/angela-merkel-memoiren-100.html)
– N-tv (C): [Former Chancellor presents memoirs: Merkel feared Russia's aggression early on](https://www.n-tv.de/politik/Merkel-fuerchtete-schon-frueh-Russlands-Aggression-article25376578.html)
– Neue Westfälische (C+): [Merkel: “Of course I experienced something special”](https://www.nw.de/nachrichten/nachrichten/23986678_Merkel-Klar-dass-ich-etwas-Besonderes-erlebte.html)
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She has blood on her hands.
Merkel can go fuck herself
Merkel gave Putler what he wanted- time to attack Ukraine
She ain’t no Margaret Thatcher.
Politician looks back fondly on their decisions in their memoirs. Well, salt my ass and call me a pretzel.
it’s weird how many Germans want to go back to being part of the Soviet Union.
like how do you see Vladimir Putin and think Oh that’s for me! I want that guy to steal all of our public money.
She thought she can outsmart Putin…