Der ukrainische Fallschirmjäger der 95. Luftangriffsbrigade filmt die Zerstörung einer Gruppe von Kriegsverbrechern der russischen 810. Marinebrigade in der Region Kursk. Insgesamt 14 ausgeschieden


  1. KiwiThunda on

    Specific warcrimes like executing POWs? Or just general orcish mischief?

  2. MrB1ZCU1T15 on

    It warms my heart to see these war criminals dead. I try my best to give less of a fuck about their lives everyday

  3. angelorsinner on

    But wasnt the 155th the one who executed the ukranian pows? Did the 810th did the same?

  4. jasonmarks85 on

    Just a typical sit on the pot drink a beer after work moment now. Been doing it for 1001? Days now

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