Russische Kriegsgefangene


  1. DontAskGrim on

    Why did the video cut off? We are all here for the footage of them being stripped naked, led into a field and murdered in cold blood.

    Oh, shit, my mistake. I forgot for a second we weren’t the baddies in this scenario.

  2. Frequent_Car_9234 on

    I just read this about what the Russians did to the Ukrainian POW’s

    # Russians shooting Ukrainian POWs in Kursk….. again.==

    what do you think about that,one could have been your brother,cousin,dad or son,what do you do with those

    un civilized animals ?,,,

  3. gandharzero on

    Well fed/cleaned/can call come/watch TV/cigarettes and say their opinion without being T-bagged or executed.

  4. WannabeGynodoc69 on

    Oh, look at them, no scratches, no standrechtliche Erschießung, looked after medically. I was told by my average German bystander AfD/BSW voter that Ukrainians and Russians were the same, turns out, they’re kinda not

  5. Any_Warthog1455 on

    hhmmm, they seem very alive compared to the latest video of Ukranian “POWs” with the ruZZians

  6. wheelman71992 on

    I’d be talking about those ukrainian pows being murdered constantly in front of them, really get them pieces of shit shitting themselves lol

  7. Next they’ll be demanding three course meals , coffee, cigarettes and vodka.

  8. Have any of these Russian soldiers been involved in executions? There is zero doubt that Ukrainians are not Russians. Never were. Never will be. God willing, the Russian people will wake up & receive Jesus Christ in their lives.

  9. Etherindependance5 on

    I do think they should see the video of Ukraine prisoners. Other than that or escape treatment like other prisoners in best.

  10. National_Actuary_666 on

    Should at least make them take their boots off and footwear off. Feel the cold.

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