Ellen DeGeneres flieht aus den USA ins ländliche England.



  1. ericjgriffin on

    She has a net worth of $370 million. She did not “flee” anywhere.

    That being said, bye Felicia.

  2. NobodyLikedThat1 on

    Finally a celebrity following through on their promises to leave the US. I hope the rest follow suit

  3. Thisiscliff on

    Who gives a fuck, is this another attempt for attention after we didn’t forgive her on her farewell Netflix stand up

  4. RetiredFromRealWork on

    Hope she doesn’t overstay her welcome in England, god forbid. Where will she go.


  5. Reasonable-Wave8093 on

    Did anyone watch her netflix special?

    Oh no, not the Cotswalds!

  6. RockinMadRiot on

    Oh that’s why there was a video of her on tiktok at Jeremy Clarkson’s pub a week or so back. I thought it was some weird crossover universe.

  7. Texas_sucks15 on

    lol she said “screw everyone yall don’t like me anyway. good luck with Trump”

  8. She didn’t flee, she’s a rich woman who can no longer find work in the US that had *more than enough* money to move. We’ll still hear from her in rural England or we wouldn’t even know she moved.

  9. Broken_Toad_Box on

    I’m not sure that a wealthy person prancing about the world as they choose counts as “fleeing” anything.

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