Biden beriet sich mit dem gewählten Präsidenten, bevor er der Ukraine die Erlaubnis erteilte, tief in die Russische Föderation vorzudringen, die Bidens Entscheidung unterstützte.


  1. KiwiThunda on

    As a non-US citizen, I can probably grit my teeth through most of Trump’s term as long as he keeps supporting Ukraine

  2. thebirdlawa on

    Well well well. The big man isn’t even in office and he’s already hammering the Russians. Probably have this thing cleaned up by February. For those hating on the republicans remember who was president when Crimea fell and who has set these restrictions on Ukraine the last 1000 days.

  3. FormalAffectionate56 on

    His source is “Boris Pincus”, president of the Reagan Republican Club of Brooklyn. Obviously a key member of Trump’s inner circle. /s

  4. For three days straight all we heard from Trump supporters was that Biden was starting World War 3. Even his closest top aides and allies condemned it. That means he didn’t even tell them about green lighting.

    Now we get to see everyone pivot and talk about how great “Trumps” decision was.

  5. Trump isn’t allowed to support Ukraine on account of the peepee tape and all the other blackmail material.

  6. dudewiththebling on

    This gives me hope that Donny is a maintain western/American hegemony and position as the world’s sole superpower Republican

  7. dudewiththebling on

    This gives me hope that Donny is a maintain western/American hegemony and position as the world’s sole superpower Republican

  8. PoliticalCanvas on

    It’s what I said a few months before election. Trump… Trump human. He has his disadvantages, about which anyone so much talk about on Reddit, but he also has own advantages.

    One of his advantages – he is more suitable for talking with Russia by only language that Russia understand – by language of strength.

    This doesn’t mean that he will, but he could. Which big progress relatively to absolutely absurd situation in which 25% of World’s economy with help of 25-40% of World’s economy 3-10-16 years cannot rein 3% of World’s economy which destroy the most sacred thing USA have – post-WW2 rules and related to them America values.

  9. Bull shit. Just an attempt at turning this into a win for team orange.

  10. MiawHansen on

    Obviously, no doubt t-rex rump told him to do it before he got into office.

  11. NominalThought on

    So why is Trump and the Repubs bad mouthing Biden over this now??

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