Angebliches „Kartoffelkartell“, dem vorgeworfen wird, sich verschworen zu haben, um die Preise für gefrorene Pommes frites und Kleinkartoffeln in den USA zu erhöhen


  1. pretzelday666 on

    It’s probably better if they are more expensive people will eat less fried crap

  2. MiserableLizards on

    Looking forward to my phantom $20 gift card.  Phillippe Champagne is gonna wag his finger so fast ☝️these companies will be mashed! 

  3. UnionGuyCanada on

    Can we do this for every industry? Prices are at all time high, as are corporate profits. Then they tell us inflation is to blame, or immigrants 

  4. Doc__Baker on

    Randy: Come on, give me some of your tots.
    Napoleon Dynamite : No, go find your own. Randy : Come on, give me some of your tots.

  5. Relevant-Low-7923 on

    It’s hard being an American, surrounded on all sides by drug cartels to our south, and potato chip and maple syrup cartels to our north

  6. The frozen fries are crazy overprized. I don’t get why people don’t just buy potatoes, which are way cheaper and make their own fries. With air fryers it’s easier than ever.

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