Die Wirtschaft Deutschlands entspricht der Wirtschaft aller dieser Länder zusammen

Von imonebear


  1. topofthefoodchainZ on

    I would like to see posts like this come with population and geographical area stats to compare.

  2. Roughly 150 million people in the yellow area versus 83 in the red. Obviously Germany is a lot richer, but not as big a difference as you might think at first glance.

  3. antony6274958443 on

    But… But… The German government crisis because no money…

  4. goatsgummy on

    4.6 trillion seems kind of low but that’s coming from an American of course if America actually spent their massive GDP on their people imagine what could happen but then again they’re more greedy than any other country in the world so there’s that

  5. icemelter4K on

    Is it perhaps because many of those countries populations were massacred by Germany during ww2? Recovering after such atrocities takes a long time. You cannot compare the two. Also many didn’t benefit from the “Marshall Plan” because communism.

  6. hoehlengnom on

    With the car manufacturing sector declining this will likely change if Germany doesn’t find something else they can spec into

  7. CompetitiveDrawing89 on

    yeah they lost two WW so the punishment is to pleased them or third WW

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