Russlands Nuklear-Rhetorik wird die britische Unterstützung für die Ukraine nicht beeinträchtigen – Premierminister


  1. macross1984 on

    And Putin know if he follow through with his last trump card, he is finished.

  2. Low_Engineering_3301 on

    What shouldn’t Russia give everything they want without question just in case? In that matter why not give in anytime North Korea demands something? I don’t see how giving everything a nuclear armed nation want to them could possibly encourage proliferation of nuclear arms.

  3. Insighteternal on

    Keep calling out bullies for their stupid sensationalist bullshit! Especially ones in the Kremlin 😊

  4. StatisticianFair930 on

    We will get drawn into this.

    Putin won’t go after the U.S, he will try to punish America by bullying the U.K. 

    He already separated us from Europe with his interhetoric.

  5. Why are we getting involved

    Downvotes but no explanation. Why are the UK trying to get into a war with Russia?

  6. I mean since Day 1, does anyone ever take Putin’s words seriously aside from Kremlin trolls? Every day over the last 1000 days, that “red line” seems to be more and more rhetorical… and I guess at this point so is the Russian nuclear arsenal lol

    Anyway how’s Kursk?

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