Denzel Washington verlor die Auszeichnung als bester Hauptdarsteller an Kevin Spacey und hörte auf, für Oscars zu stimmen: „Mich interessieren sie nicht?“ Es ist mir egal. Ich habe aufgegeben. Ich wurde verbittert.’


  1. > “I went through a time then when [my wife] Pauletta would watch all the Oscar movies—I told her, I don’t care about that. Hey: They don’t care about me? I don’t care,” Washington said. “You vote. You watch them. I ain’t watching that. I gave up. I got bitter. My pity party.”

  2. IntoTheMusic on

    He had already won one for Glory (1989) at that point. Why did he (not) care?

  3. Summer_is_coming_1 on

    Isn’t the same reason he doesn’t work in good movies as well ?

  4. sloanemonroe on

    Think about how stupid it is that there are awards for fucking millionaire actors

  5. Editor_Rise_Magazine on

    I don’t give a damn. American Beauty was fantastic and Spacey was phenomenal in it regardless of how he’s perceived now. The goddamn ego on Denzel to even discuss this and then shit on Spacey (“I heard rumors”) is petty AF. What an ass.

  6. Kevin Spacey was fantastic in American Beauty. Not like he lost to Pauly Shore

  7. Sharaz_Jek123 on

    If he wants to blame someone for that loss, look at the media’s response to the film, not the voters.

    He was the absolute favourite going into the season and the media (for whatever reason) absolutely destroyed “Hurricane”.

    As William Goldman (who loved Washington’s performance) explains:

    >It was not, quote, quote, ”accurate.”
    >Boys Don’t Cry, which no one hammered, was not, quote, quote, ”accurate.”
    >Insider was really not, quote, quote– and Erin Brokovich, Julia Roberts’s latest huge hit, now at your neighborhood theaters– they’re always saying, ”Oh, we’re so accurate! Believe us! We really are true!” They’re not!
    >I wrote– no, I wrote All the President’s Men and A Bridge Too Far. After that, I decided I would never do a movie where the people are alive. You can’t be accurate!
    >Everybody said, ”Oh, aren’t they accurate.” We were not. You can’t do it in a movie. But for some reason, whether it’s race whether it’s because The New York Times wrote a rotten article the day it opened, and The New York Times is very powerful, everybody’s picked up on Hurricane and slammed it for not being accurate, and all these other movies got away with it. I’m not saying Hurricane’s accurate.

  8. Putting aside all of Spacey’s current issues, he was brilliant in that film and that movie was all every critic talked about.

  9. Liberalassy on

    Gladiator 2: Ridley Scott did him dirty by having Denzel’s hand chopped off by Aurelius’ son

  10. coldliketherockies on

    It’s been literally 25 years and American Beauty is still my favorite movie of all time. It was my favorite movie id ever seen when I first saw it on HBO as a kid in 2000 (I couldn’t see R rated movies in theatres then in its theatrical release) and it’s still 24-25 years later my favorite movie I’ve ever seen

  11. Rook_James_Bitch on

    Cuz he sucks.

    I’ve been saying goes this for years: Denzel does NOT have any acting range.

    Every Denzel movie should be titled, “Denzel Washington pretends to be….”.

    Don’t get it twisted. I like Denzel. I hate his “acting”.

  12. SpaceMyopia on

    To be fair, he fully acknowledges it as a pity party. I can respect that level of self-awareness.

    This sounds pretty tongue-in-cheek.

    I’m sure he has real bitterness toward them, but he also seems to have a relatively light-hearted attitude about it.

  13. Capistrano9 on

    Kevin Spacey is a piece of shit but he deserved every damn award he won

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