Kein klares Ende in Sicht, da der Stillstand im Unterhaus schon seit zwei Monaten andauert


  1. Bitwhys2003 on

    Did I miss it or is there not one word about either the NDP or Bloc being able to force a vote and move it to Committee? CBC’s Ottawa desk needs to brush up on procedure.

  2. Feedmepi314 on

    Let’s be real. If it wasn’t for polling, we’d be heading into an election. Like what is the point of all this?

    There’s not even any new agenda being proposed, the NDP haven’t asked for anything and we’re just waiting. Vassy asked Anne Mcgrath *repeatedly* and in multiple ways what the NDP was trying to get out of the government and even though she clearly wanted to give an answer she couldn’t because there isn’t one.

    Singh made it clear there were no discussions and when asked more or less just danced around the question without a clear answer.

    So what are we doing? What is the point and purpose of this current government now? Are we just going to have to sit and wait for another 6+ months with nothing getting done?

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