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They want the passport and they leave after. They had a plan and executed.
To collect Canada pension in their home country.
We’ve known about this for years.
Astronaut families, families who get citizenship then go home and come back for retirement, etc.
The thing is many of these immigrants also have values that are in conflict with Canadian values. They work hard. They don’t want their money going to support what they perceive as wasting money.
If you want to keep (economic) immigrants, the most successful ones, you gotta address the elephant in the room. Most economic immigrants are conservative. They don’t wanna pay a ton of taxes. They don’t wanna support woke policies for their kids. Many come from conservative countries where a lot of liberal policies here are against their values. Not trying to argue whether these policies are good or bad but that’s the cold hard fact. The rest of the world is still far more conservative than Canada (or for that matter the USA).
What are the numbers of Canadian born who leave. Is it roughly the same?
Remember when our government spent tens of millions to “repatriate” Canadian citizens living in Lebanon?
Seems many immigrants come to Canada, work for twenty years or so earning way more than in their home countries, obtain citizenship and eventually return to their home country way better off economically than if they had stayed. My son’s in-laws have been here for 40 years and entering retirement they are moving back to their home country.
In many instances an 80% retention rate over 25 years is outstanding.
My wife and I came from Latin America and we know many Latinos living here. Of the many we know, most like it but miss home and want to go back. They came here because of opportunity and money. The motivation was never Canada having a better culture, weather or just being a more desirable place to live. Everyone is just looking for a better life.
It just makes sense people eventually want to go back to their home countries. Those countries are FAR more affordable and they often have extended family and miss their culture, food and weather.
We’re moving back after about 12 years here. We had fun, made a bunch of money, I think we contributed a lot and even created a few jobs for people over the years but it’s mind blowing expensive here and life goes on.
25 years? That’s very loyal 👏 Those who really want to leave do it in 5 years.
If there are no opportunities available then newcomer have no option but to move forward. They have left the native land to get better opportunities.
It’s funny, the immigrants that come here see the situation and go. “Eh, I can do better.” are the ones that Canada wants to keep.
The immigrants that come in and go. “Holy shit, they have food banks that give FREE FOOD? Wait, I can apply for Asylum/refugees and they supply FREE HOUSING?”
“Heres your free debit card with 1-2k a week on it to support yourself while we process your Asylum/Refugee claim.”
Welcome to Canada and it’s broken immigration system.
25 years is a long time span to be considered as a “new comer”…
You mean they come, pay taxes and leave. What’s wrong here. At least we should lower their accumulated benefits by a set percentage.
Deport illegal immigrants… gives legal immigrants an easier time and better environment would do the trick.
Imagine you come here for the first year and see tons of international students protesting for a free PR, stealing from foodbank and grabbing your delivery right under your surveillance camera…
This doesn’t seem that bad (?)
No should be balancing so they can survive here and not over burden the system. They leave cause this is not acceptable living. I don’t blame em either.
You know it’s interesting, the report doesn’t go into WHERE these individuals go… They do indicate economic is one of the main reasons. To me, I’m curious if we knew where they were headed, couldn’t we then derive why they came to Canada in the first place.
Where I’m going with this, if we knew X% went to the US, then we can say, they came to Canada to get into the US, right?
So, in the recommendations, without knowing that big fact, are missing some key research.
25 years are long. I know a lot of people took off just 1-2 years after moving to Canada. All of them claimed that it didn’t feel good as it looked on the movies through other people’s stories.
Doesn’t sound much different than all the Canadians who retire to Central America, spending just long enough there that they don’t lose eligibility for our healthcare here.
They spend hundreds of thousands of dollars outside our economy on housing, food, booze, etc down there that doesn’t come back to Canada.
I guess migration is only cool when it’s rich white people going to poorer areas though.
So 4 in 5 stay?
Lol 25 years is a long time to live in any country. With so many things available worldwide people want to have the option to live where they want. I don’t see this as an issue.
We don’t need a retention plan. We need to have enough jobs and housing for people living here. We don’t need to keep more people. 4/5 are staying anyway, and there’s fuck all for them to do, and fuck all for places to put them.
The article is super light on details but imo using a bucket of 0-25 years as they seem to be makes this statement basically valueless. If I went abroad for a job opportunity and spend decades contributing to the economy then returned “home”at retirement that should be measured differently than say a tfw who comes for a season to do a job and then leave (which is not to say that they didn’t contribute during their tenure, just that the circumstances are notably different).
Why live in a shoe box in Toronto when you can live in a mansion in another country? If you have money, you can afford private tutoring that’s better than what they have here in Canada plus you get to retire early and vacations are more affordable
I mean. 25 years is a pretty long time really
When my American friends want to move here due to the results of the election, I have to convince them that Canada is not better.
There is a simple solution. Cancel dual citizenship. It is not neccessary.
> The highest proportion of people leaving the country had settled in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver — while smaller cities like Calgary, Halifax and Moncton saw greater immigrant retention.
There it is. If it’s too damned expensive, people will leave.
Moved here 7 years ago, planning to leave soon. The government here treats immigrants like tax widgets to pay off their reckless spending and keep the housing bubble going for the boomers to keep winning, financially. There is no hope in being in Canada if you are a recent immigrant or Gen Z, unless you have generational wealth to get started. Besides, the weather is terrible and the people are fairly miserable.
With high taxes and no services, I’m surprised only 20% of immigrants left.
The last thing we need is another federal program on something as stuipid as this. We need Trudeau to be gone and improve productivity and prosperity- then people will naturally want to stay.
Why would anyone stay here? The cost of living is insane and wages are low, people here live to work and dont know about work life balance.. in alberta our pension is about to be sold off and our healthcare is crumbling…. Born here but want to leave asap for a better quality of life somewhere else
Only poor people from third world and actual refugees stay
Been here almost 15 years and can’t wait to leave.
This is not the Canada I came to. I don’t even recognize this place anymore.
Expect it to get worse.. standards of living are now approaching developing countries, while cost of living is sky high. On top of that, we managed to import a whole lot of third world issues and conflicts. Yes, we still have it better than most of the developing world but Canadian dream no longer exists.
Maybe one in five immigrants came for the citizenship status and never planned to stay.
Don’t blame them. Retirement is impossible here
It would help if we had housing.
How are we focusing on immigrant retention.
Retention plan? Build houses, reduce taxes and fix health care. Stop fucking around and giving undeserving people high positions in government.
The work here does not pay enough for the cost of living here… Along with a housing crisis, food Bank shortages and a growing population of homelessness the government can’t seem to figure out…
1/5 leave but 4/5 are stuck here
Problem is… it’s not the poor and helpless leaving the country at an alarming rate.. it’s the wealthy, business owners, doctors, etc.. leaving the country at an alarming rate. And this is certainly alarming and not good for the country.
Canadian government has some audacity lol. Make the country liveable then.
Pay us?
What else? If you offer a person to live in your country but have no place for them to stay (housing) , they will leave. This shouldn’t be surprising.