Video der Eliminierung eines Kapitäns der russischen Schwarzmeerflotte im besetzten Sewastopol am 13. November.

Von MrDonMega


  1. By the way, i am not sure if it’s a car bomb. That was in the description. It could be that the speed bump triggered it or remotely controlled. I am sure there are people in this sub that are way smarter than me that can tell what is going on.

  2. LeadGloves on

    All I can hear is that cancerous tiktok song about that kid and his dad going to Costco or whatever

  3. Always4564 on

    Good strategy. Putin has billions for personal protection, but the day to day runners of the show don’t. Keep assassinations up on the mid-level guys, make it known it’s a death sentence no matter where you are.

  4. fiftyshadesofbeige69 on

    I expected he’d get sick from thrown-out-of-windowitosis

  5. BeerGogglesOIF2 on

    When you love someone, you’ve gotta trust them. There’s no other way

  6. juxtoppose on

    Yay! We got a video clip of justice in action. Edit – speed bumps are useful after all.

  7. SolidPosition6665 on

    That was an illegal roll past the stop sign. He has been handled.

  8. AbroadIll5992 on

    looks like he jumps out just before detonation. his door opens and you can see something move across it.

  9. IShouldbeNoirPI on

    Why do you think IT was bomb? Maybe he jest droped a cigarete?

  10. yotocoturaja on

    I don’t think it was a car bomb, it looks like it was planted on the speed reducer and activated just for that car.

  11. Nautchy_Zye on

    The grunt birthday party theme from Halo should’ve played when it went boom

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