Bei der Rettung der CBC geht es in Wirklichkeit darum, Kanada zu retten


  1. thehuntinggearguy on

    Huh, I didn’t know that the CBC was all that stood between us and the inevitable Donald Trump invasion of Canada, Quebec separation, and Russian disinformation. Here, I thought we were just pissing away billions [on crap like this](

  2. UnionGuyCanada on

    CBC Radio is great. I listen to news nightly and politics programs ever Saturday while out. I willnsometimes follow up on shows that I missed on the app. CBC gmGem is a great place for shows, not that I watch mich of it.

     The news alone makes it worth saving. If it can’t compete with an already flooded field of entertainment, at least keeping Camadian shows afloat is a worthwhile cost.

  3. Prudent-Proposal1943 on

    But defunding the CBC serves three functions of gutting support to Canadian artists, making everyone dumber and owning the Libs.

  4. unending_whiskey on

    Has the CBC ever thought that maybe they should stop being so biased? It’s incredibly clear they have a political bias for anyone who is honest with themselves. This is not OK for a public broadcaster. They should be more like TVO or PBS.

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