Wie ein 5.000-km-Radius um Paris *eigentlich* auf einer Mercator-Karte aussieht

    Von amaurea


    1. People keep reposting [this incorrect map](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/1guw0nd/what_a_5000km_radius_around_paris_looks_like_on_a) of what a 5000 km radius circle centered on Paris looks like in a Mercator projection, which gives the impression that a circle in Mercator looks like a guitar pick. Sure, large circles are distorted in Mercator (and other projections), but not like that!

      I made this map showing what it actually looks like using the openstreetmap maximally zoomed out world map as the [background image](https://ur.amaurea.net/paris_mercator/background.png), and overplotted what a 5000 km circle centered on Paris looks like using [this python script](https://ur.amaurea.net/paris_mercator/paris_mercator.py). I also overplotted black contours at 1000 km intervals.

    2. I don’t understand. Why doesn’t the red region encompass the entire top of the image?

    3. HAL9001-96 on

      technically it should widen at the top including the entire upper border as it includes the north pole

    4. OttawaHonker5000 on

      can you do this for America? say based on some large Midwestern city

    5. By the way, [Mercator Extreme](https://mrgris.com/projects/merc-extreme) is a fun (well, fun to me at least) web-“game” that lets you change where the north pole of the Mercator projection is. If you place your house at that point, then you get a view of the whole world with things getting smaller and smaller as they move away from your house. Just apropos distortion in Mercator.

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