Trudeau erklärt Einwanderungsobergrenze: „Wir haben Fehler gemacht, das System wurde von schlechten Akteuren ausgenutzt“


  1. t1m3kn1ght on

    Correction :

    We ran a grift to boost economic numbers and got caught. We gaslighted everyone who called out bad actors as a way to high road our plan.

    Sorry about all that. Sorry that we’re busted.

    -Justin Trudeau

    Edit: made the recommended correction.

  2. DeathCabForYeezus on

    …I think the call is coming from inside the house.

    > Look, there’s a lot of conversations with different competing policy priorities. **You have industries and low-skilled labour, whether it’s big-box shops or others, looking for cheap labour and wanting to make sure they maintain a 40-hour workweek for some of the students.** That’s competing policy with the labour gap that we face in this country — we need those people working and why not if they’re paying a whole heck of a lot of money to come to Canada to study, more than a domestic student, **why would we deny them that right?”**

    – Marc Miller

    We all know damn well that this is the opinion of the PMO and not Marc Miller going rogue.

    Trying to shove blame off onto nebulous “bad actors” is just sad.

    In the past they bragged about how Lululemon’s CEO could personally text ministers to exert pressure and expedite their ability to hire temporary foreign workers without having to prove a Canadian wasn’t available.

    Shouldn’t they be bragging and proud of a system that did exactly what they wanted?

  3. ozztotheizzo on

    They got caught red handed and now are trying to shift the blame to “bad actors” when they effectively rubber stamped all the visas.

  4. DoctorJosefKoninberg on

    As long as they admit they made a mistake it’s ok.
    It’s only immediate and long term irreparable harm to Canada and Canadians.

  5. BuffytheBison on

    The Trudeau government was warned about moves like removing visa requirements for Mexican nationals before they did it (they were reimposed earlier this year). Faith in the immigration system (as we’re seeing south of the border and in Europe) is hard to build and very easy to destroy and is paramount to people supporting the system. The Trudeau Liberals have undermined that faith by not being wide eyed in regards to the issue.

  6. innsertnamehere on

    Bad actors – lol. They pumped immigration to avoid the negative image of a recession and hide how terribly they were doing on the economy.

    And we are all paying for it.

  7. TerryTerranceTerrace on

    Bad actors,isn’t this just how it is. There weren’t bad actors, they were just doing what they did. Priortize their own profits. Who in their right mind actually thinks corporations act in good faith.

  8. tom_lincoln on

    This attitude towards immigration began in 2015, not three years ago when the “bad actors” began to appear.

    Trudeau’s fundamental ideology in the aughts was that Canada doesn’t have a real national identity, that we’re a post-national country, and so nobody should have a problem with millions of new people being brought in to permanently change the national fabric. He treated the country like a giant airport. An economic zone, where all national problems can just be solved by “more people.”

  9. Be from India/ Pakistan group money with family to buy franchise, bring in as many cheap/slave labor from your home land. Poor people apply hoping for a better life. Get taken advantage of. Make fake job postings online to say you’re hiring

    Profit I guess

  10. unknown13371 on

    It’s like someone setting fire to every home and then having a serious sit-down to talk about fire safety and bad actors.

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