Soldat schießt Granate ab, nachdem sie von einer Drohne abgeworfen wurde. Ukraine, Januar 2023

Von LolWhoCares0327


  1. HeistPlays on

    Kind of shit if you told someone about after the war they’d never believe you.

  2. Crusading_monk on

    What a shot…the gods of war cast the dice and rolled a nat 20 for him

  3. Regular_Novel9721 on

    I wouldn’t be able to think “man I really need to get him this video! Wait… actually he’s gotta die.”

  4. Diligent_Barber3778 on

    He shot at the drone and missed… big whoop. There were probably dozens of drones in the immediate airspace.

    Lucky shot nevertheless.

    Not impressive. But lucky.

  5. hypothetician on

    Crazy shot, I guess he was aiming at the drone.

    I wonder if he realised what happened.

  6. This is going to generate so many memes and ppt decks in a certain non credible sub.

  7. OopsSaidItAgain on

    That’s a damn lucky shot, I’ve shot skeet with an sks before and only ever hit one.

  8. PuzzleheadedTry6507 on

    Guys that was a Russian who shot it, you were supposed to downvote this one

  9. SimmyTheGiant on

    It’s this type of insane shi you hear stories about during wars, but to have it in video is so absolutely insane to me. Luckiest bullet

  10. These-Procedure-1840 on

    I’m just going to hazard a guess there were a bunch of shots being fired at the drone and that one got lucky.

    But the nerd in me really wants it to be a cigar smoking loose cannon super sniper that doesn’t play by the rules.

  11. Dude should shooting skeet for real cash, not illegally invading an adjoining democratic republic.

    If only Russia weren’t a complete piece of shit for the past 300+ years.

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