Moskau sagt, die Ukraine habe die ersten in den USA hergestellten Atacms-Raketen auf sein Territorium abgefeuert | Russland | Der Wächter

Von chilladipa


  1. Novel_Source372 on

    Nothing speaks louder than you’re not doing so well in conventional war that you started as crying like a baby and threatening nuclear retaliation against any country that chooses to help out the country that your trying to destroy !

    There’s fucked up shit and then there’s Russian fucked up shit !

  2. Well that’s the end of the world then. It’s been great knowing you all.


  3. BirdMaNTrippn on

    I hope this helps Ukraine big time. Sick of seeing Russia and North Korea escalate and no solid response. Ukraine deserves better. Drop the restrictions and let them defend their land the way they need to to win this thing!

  4. AncientCable7296 on

    okay….so about the whole nuke thing putin? you gonna do it? i bet not…

  5. VA3DPrinter on

    …now follow through putler. You can do it. Put your big boy pants on and respond so we can finally jump across all red lines and end this.

  6. Can’t wait for the russian fake news saying Ukraine is targeting civilians

  7. DaEvilGenius85 on

    And yet, they didn’t launch nukes immediately after….🤔

  8. So, Ukraine used the missiles already… where is the escalation Putin? Dont see any nukes..


    So he admits that the territory that he occupies is not Russian territory — way to go !

  10. Baron_Blackfox on

    Arguments of russian bots and pro russian useful idiots are always something like – Why do they escalate conflict again? Dont they realize that Russia will now strike back?

    I always like to respond to these comments like – So what they (russians) gonna do? Invade Ukraine?

  11. Brave_Nerve_6871 on

    That’s very unfortunate, Vlad. Now, tell me how many missiles have you shot to Ukraine?

  12. tauntauntom on

    now for Russia to beat it’s chest and shit itself like an angry toddler. And for people to act like it is a real threat.

  13. Key-Lie-364 on

    I realise that not nearly enough is being done by West to boost Ukraine’s ability to fight and vindicate its territory and people from this completely wrong onslaught.

    But. When you take a step back, we are in an absolute extraordinary situation. US made long range missiles are attacking internationally recognised Russian sovereign territory. UK made tanks, German made tanks, US IFV operating inside the sovereign territory of the RUF.

    RU probably cut the undersea cables between Finland and Germany – an act of war by anybody’s reckoning.

    The Cold War is over but the “Reasonably Hot” war is clearly on and the West should acknowledge that neither side has declared it but, we are effectively at war with Russia now.

    So let’s fucking win it !

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