RFK Jr. wurde über Cringey gezerrt Foto von ihm, wie er mit Musk, Trump und Don Jr. McDonald’s isst



  1. This headline and anger over Reddit will do nothing. Who fucking cares if he ate mcD’s. Get over it.

  2. let-it-rain-sunshine on

    He probably pretended to eat that garbage and pulled a banana out of his ass

  3. maddenmcfadden on

    he tops his mcdonalds of with some Zyn nicotine. Because if you’re going to be a hypocrite, might as well go all in. I also wonder how many vaccines this antivaxxer has had. I’m guessing all of them.

  4. I nearly actually LOL’d at the first tweet’s caption “walking by the cool kids’ table”. None of these 5 guys have ever been described as “cool”.

  5. I’m as liberal as it gets, but ‘AnythingGoesNews’ is packed full of a bunch of out of touch people that need to leave the Reddit echo chamber for a bit.

    Let’s all get triggered more and ‘touch grass’ at the same time.

  6. EatMeatGrowBig on

    Holy shit these comments, and you wonder why most of america hates yall😂

  7. Fan_of_Clio on

    A MAGAt sellout was caught with photographic evidence shown to be a hypocrite? Must one of the seven days of the week.

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