Bei einem verheerenden Angriff in Kursk trafen 17 russische Fahrzeuge auf Minen


  1. Aggravating_Set_8861 on

    Warning: If you wish to ignore certain words or titles, based on the journalist that wrote the articre, skip this. For example, it does not include the word “horrific”. It may not cater towards every single individual that reads an article. It is, in essence, an article, and people have differing opinions.

    Its also Forbes, so skip if you dont want to read.


    Also the Africa sub-reddit bans anyone for disagreeing with them in the slightest. They especially are pro-Russia and are cool with Genocide.

  2. Disastrous? Glorious. Defeat on the battlefield is the *only thing* these Russian fuckwits understand. And it can’t come soon enough.

  3. Remember ukraines failed counter offensive ? Yeah looks like they might have learnt from that…

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